Giving engineers a glimpse into a marvellous world.
When a group of established international brands and businesses band together under one new name, how do you unite them all behind a single, simple, powerful message?

The story.
As part of the FTSE 250-listed IMI Group, IMI Precision Engineering was the new name for a host of major brands in pneumatic, fluid and motion control. As the global strategic lead tasked with repositioning the business, our mission was to unite and amplify the value behind these brands, building awareness across an increasingly digitalised and international customer base.
The thinking.
Engineering isn’t known for simple messaging. Highly capable, highly specialised, highly focused – engineers are deeply entrenched in their work, but don’t necessarily see the difference it makes to the wider world. There’s unlimited value in that. Our real challenge, therefore, was to get engineers to do one small thing: look up and see how their marvellous machines move our world – and how IMI Precision Engineering moves them in turn.
The execution.
At the core of our repositioning, ‘Moving Man’s Most Marvellous Machines’ did something no other engineering campaign has done: whimsy. By taking a fresh look at the machines that change the world, we created a multichannel domain of imagination and inspiration, of digitally showcased ideas and a showstopping experience at Hannover Messe – all of which positioned IMI PE as the catalyst of engineering in motion. And then we amplified this as part of a wider repositioning drive, bringing the famed names of the component brands into one powerful group.

The impact.
With the ‘Marvellous Machines’ campaign acting as an overarching brand platform, we set about making an impact at all levels of the business. Our video-led campaign for the Norgren Express app, for example, bulldozed barriers to adoption by showing how easily – and instantly – engineers can find the components they need to move the world.
“We know engineers are passionate about their machines and we want to celebrate the way in which machinery changes our world.”
Mark Stevens – IMI Precision Engineering